Light on the Path Ahead

May you see God’s light on the path ahead
when the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear even in your hour of sorrow
the gentle singing of the lark.
When times are hard
may hardness never turn your heart to stone.
May you always remember when the shadows fall–
You do not walk alone.

~Traditional Irish Blessing

The day starts with the promise of beauty lit across the sky and concludes with the same light on the other side of the horizon. Yet everything in between can be darkness with no relief or stark brightness leaving no place to hide.

We can endure both if we endure it together. We can travel this long road if we have each other alongside in case we stumble. We can live out our days in gratitude even through our tears.

God does not leave us to journey alone.

3 thoughts on “Light on the Path Ahead

  1. Thank you for this Irish Blessing — a new one to me. It is sorely needed today more than you could ever know.
    Knowing — and believing — that one does not travel alone is truly half our battle that rages between Heaven and Earth.. Feeling alone in the darkness of not knowing, not trusting our faith that He IS there with us always, contrary to what the forces of darkness would have us believe is without a doubt ‘hell on earth.’

    The Spirit within you, dear Emily, uses your faith, Spirit-gifted instinct and compassion in a most beautiful, sacramental way.

    Liked by 1 person

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