Memorizing End of Summer Light







For today, I will memorize
the two trees now in end-of-summer light

and the drifts of wood asters as the yard slopes away toward
the black pond, blue

in the clouds that shine and float there, as if risen

from the bottom, unbidden. Now, just over the fern—
quick—a glimpse of it,

the plume, a fox-tail’s copper, as the dog runs in ovals and eights,
chasing scent.

The yard is a waiting room. I have my chair. You, yours.

The hawk has its branch in the pine.

White petals ripple in the quiet light. 
~Margaret Gibson from “Solitudes”












I want to memorize it all before it changes:
the shift of sun from north to south
balances on our east- west road at equinox.

The flow of geese overhead, honking and waving farewell,
hawks’ screams in the firs,
dragonflies trapped in the barn light fixtures
several generations of coyotes hollering at dusk.

The koi pond quiets with cooler nights,
hair thickens on horses, cats and dogs,
dying back of the garden vines to reveal what lies unharvested beneath.

We part again, Summer –
your gifts were endless
until you ended.

I sit silenced and brooding, waiting for what comes next.












4 thoughts on “Memorizing End of Summer Light

  1. Lovely…pictures and prose. I myself am done with summer. Here in the upper midwest the mosquitos are as big as Pterodactyls while the humidity is becoming quite unbearable. I yearn for the first hard frost. I am so ready!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sending this simply because it catches a poignant sense of gentle change from summer to fall…nice right brain “food.”

    I’ve had similar thoughts, feelings this whole past lovely “transition week” weather!!

    Liked by 1 person

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