The Sighs of the Earth

Ask the questions that have no answers.
Invest in the millenium. Plant sequoias.
Say that your main crop is the forest
that you did not plant,
that you will not live to harvest.

Practice resurrection.
~Wendell Berry from “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front”

If I have to pick a side,
let me side with the bees,
with summer blossoms and
winter snowdrifts.
Let me side with the children
I know and the ones I don’t,
with the late-shift nurse
and his aching back,
with the grandmother digging in her garden.
Let me side with the earth in all her sighing, the stars
in all their singing, with
stray dogs and street artists,
with orphans and widows.
Like Berry,
let me say everything was for
love of the forest I will never
see, the harvest I will never
reap. I pledge my allegiance
to the world to come.
~Jen Rose Yokel “Choosing Sides”

photo by Danyale Tamminga
photo by Nate Lovegren

We are each here in this life for such a short time…

What we leave behind is a shadow of the gifts we received at birth – given the chance, we can renew and rebuild this struggling earth. Listening to the sighs of a world in distress, I try to plant words and living things to last beyond my time here.

Every day we choose sides. Standing alone in our choices, we wonder how we will ever connect to one another.

I want to wrap my arms around anyone who needs a hug right now.

I know I do. Maybe you do too.

Starry Night – Van Gogh
photo by Sara Lenssen
AI image created for this post


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One thought on “The Sighs of the Earth

  1. Thank you Emily for your daily insights and beautiful pictures! This past week as we are graced with with our summery days, bright blue skies, flowers, shrubs, and trees in so many hues, so much beauty surrounding us right here in our fallen earth, I can’t even begin to imagine the beauty of the renewed earth? In my gratitude and pondering, may I also remember and lamenti for those who are suffering from heat, flooding, the pain of death and loss, and the anguish of war that so many are experiencing. We await the promised renewal when all will be made right!!

    Thanks again for putting your thoughts to paper, Linda❤️


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