Holding Fast

creepertwirls1Virginia Creeper Holdfasts in Winter



All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
~Henry Ellis

The Virginia Creeper vines,
stripped bare by winter,
cling steadily in winds and rain
through thousands of tiny “holdfast” suckers.
The glue holds tight, taking the vine
where no vine has gone before.
Once there, it stays put–
an invincible foundation.

Letting go comes as
spring and summer surge forth
through the veins of the vine,
branches and berries
dangle daringly in mid-air,
reaching for the next grab-hold,
the next surface to be conquered.
I wish I were as adventuring
as I creep through my days.
My fingers and toes tend to
cling fast to home,
to become adhesive
for what grows from me,
from which a glorious and unforgettable
autumn is flung
into the future.creepergarage




2 thoughts on “Holding Fast

  1. So beautiful, Emily, and yet a little sad. Holding on and letting go are decisions that we face almost daily. The holding on feels good and necessary at the time but the letting go, to me, is the most difficult — but also good and necessary.
    Without that sometime wrenching decision there is no growth.

    Thank you.


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