The Path of Life





Our last five minutes on earth are running out.

We can spend those minutes in meanness, exclusivity,
and self-righteous disparagement of those who are different from us,
or we can spend them consciously embracing every glowing soul
who wanders within our reach – those who, without our caring,
would find the vibrant, exhilarating path of life just another sad and forsaken road.
~Alice Walker from Anything We Love Can Be Saved




During these summer weeks of orientation of new college students and their parents, I speak to several thousand people, all looking nervous in unfamiliar territory among strangers.

They are about to embark on a road that rises to meet them and leads them to parts unknown.

I try to say, as I shake each hand, and give out my card with my personal phone number:
this too will be okay.  This too will bless you.  Even when there are potholes, uneven surfaces and times when you want to turn back to more familiar territory, you will find the road to your next destination fulfilling and welcoming.

Embrace the journey…and each other.

And I embrace you.

(Thanks Ann Voskamp for sharing your message to your college-bound son here)








3 thoughts on “The Path of Life

  1. The paths of our lives are not always straight, with no hidden sharp curves and deep potholes. Some even show an unexpected ‘danger ahead’ sign rise up sharply on the path, forcing us to stop abruptly to make a decision about where we are headed. Some paths bring us to beauty and joy and to people and places that feed and nourish our soul.
    At times, we need to travel our path alone for a while – in silence and contemplation – to give our inner self time and space to evaluate the path we are on. Then, at times, we need to travel our path side-by-side in mind and in soul with a loved one to share the Journey….


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